The ultra vibe is a thought for the individuals who wants to live their life with a good purpose that is to make this world a more better place to live for every Human being on this planet Earth.
The life is meaningfull only when you have a good purpose to live for example, in this world every child live for their parents that is their Mother and Father.
Every son and daughter want to see their parents living a happy life, So the secret to the ultra vibe is to create such a powerful positive vibe that not only this world but also each and every matter in this existig universe gets connected with you and help you make these world a more peaceful world.
So, what are the rules of being a most powerful ultra vibe ? It is nothing but your heart that is your contiousness.The contiousness is nothing but you that is your soul.
Now what is soul ?
Soul is nothing but the energy that we have, for example when we enter this world, we have a energy inside our body which make us alive and the aura
getting generated from this energy or soul is called vibe and the process of making this vibe a Ultra Vibe is called Overthinking, Yes you read right.
Overthinking is the most useful process to make a norml soul’s vibe an Ultra vibe.
Yes, I know it will not be a simple task to overthink.The main catch here is we need to overthink about only that think which we desire.
For example, every human being wants to live a happy life and to live a happy life, we need happy society and for happy society we need happy humans and the happy human
can only be developed when, the human knows what is right and what is wrong.
Now, let us understand the concept of right and wrong action.
Positive and Negative actions:
The actions that we executes generates a vibe and the intentions of the excuted action make that generated vibe a positive or negative action.
Ok,till here we understood, what is this book about, secret of ultra vibe, impact of the ultra vibe,rule of Ultra vibe, what is soul, what is vibe,process of making this
vibe a ultra vibe, overthink about what we desire, actions for a happy life.
The process of making a happy life using the process of developing an Ultra vibe.
1)Always have a contiousness to make this world more peaceful, more peaceful means, we live in a world where number of humans live and every human have their natural
right to live a happy life and to live a happy life they execute daily actions to earn their bread and butter and take care of their family – This intention we just read
is the most innocent and pure intention in this world.
2)We should have a broad perspective towards other humans’ situation i.e, we should respect the actions taken by other humans as they are taking their actions for their
family.Every human being on this planet loves their family and can achieve more heights, just to keep the safe and happy.
3)Not only human but we should have a positive vibe for every species on this earth. As we understood that we human being have energy in us, that is soul. Similarly
everything have energy in this world, living things as well as non-living things.
4)Believe in God, yes you read right- believe in God.
We human beings assumes the thoughts and belive them, whether the thought is good or not good.You should believe in God because you are part of God.
To explain this further we will understand the concept of energy.
The sun is the source of energy and we also a source of energy, but the catch here is sun is a very large source of energy and we humans are a very little source of
According to the law of thermodyanamics, energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed but it can transform from one form to another.This means that the energy in
this universe is a single unit and this single unit is the one which completes the thought of God.
So,here we understood that the God is a single unit of energy.
Now, the reason for believing in single unit God is we are connected with God.
We are connected with God because we are also energy and there is only single unit of energy. This connection of God and every matter in this world, conclude that every
matter in this existing world is in a connection with God.So, when we believe in God, we believe in not only in ourself but we belive in everything that exits in this world
or we can say that we believe in that single unit of energy i.e, God.
As we believe in God, we get connected with that positive energy as well as negative energy.In this context we need to understand that the single unit energy is nothing but
combination of Positive and Negative energy.It is us that select the required energy, to develop a ultra vibe we should always select the positive energy.
As we select positive energy, we get connected with every single source of positive energy and this selection of positive energy is called believing in God.
Warrior within:
To Find the answer of how we can develop a ultra vibe is we should be a warrior within our conciousness.
Think it like we are in a game but the game is in our consiousness and the contiousness generats thoughts so the game is between the thoughts of consiousnesss and the
warrior in this game i.e, the contiousness, is just developing the thoughts and its the duty of the warrior that he selects the positive thoughts and keep selecting
the positive thoughts. Once the consiouness is with large number of positive thoughts then the power of our Soul’s vibe develops and we achieve ultra vibe.
Please take a look at the imaginary Ultra Vibe , i created using my precious conscious mind .

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– Vaibhav L. Pusadkar